[Liquibase-user] New Topic: diffChangeLog misses length of type NVARCHAR2 in Oracle 11g
Liquibase Community Forum
2010-11-18 15:39:13 UTC
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I generated the below xml file after I manually had created a table in one of my two test databases. The expected output would be creation of the table EMPLOYEE which it is. However for data type NVARCHAR2 the length of the column are missing. As you see it did fine for data type VARCHAR2 even though I don't think the "BYTE" suffix after 30 is needed.

I tested this in version 1.9.5. In version 2.* the syntax for diff has changed and demands another parameter which I haven't got to work yet.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<databaseChangeLog xmlns="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/1.9" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/1.9 http://www.liquibase.org/xml/ns/dbchangelog/dbchangelog-1.9.xsd">
<changeSet author="amk (generated)" id="1290093738086-1">
<createTable schemaName="ANDERS_TESTAR_LIQUIBASE" tableName="EMPLOYEE">
<column name="NAME" type="NVARCHAR2"/>
<column name="ADDRESS" type="NVARCHAR2"/>
<column name="STATE" type="VARCHAR2(30 BYTE)"/>

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